Thoughful Health Care - Sage Publications

Thoughtful Health Care offers a timely antidote to a climate dominated by endless rules, regulations, mission statements and codes of practice.

Fixation on avoiding risk at all costs has created a checkbox culture where everyone is treated according to standardised plans. But people are complicated, and cannot be understood disconnected from the complex histories, values, and environments that shape us. Obsessive focus on ‘safety first’ has obscured this reality and drastically undervalued critical thinking and insightful practice.

Here on the Values Exchange, you can take part in interactive activities to help you think deeply about all aspects of health care.

Get Started on the Thoughtful Values Exchange

The Thoughtful Values Exchange is an online community open to all readers of Thoughtful Health Care. Here you can access further materials, respond to polls and quizzes, friend other readers and debate with them, and contact the authors directly.

To join, simply fill in the brief registration form then login, or you can sign in with Facebook. You will be taken directly to the book's dedicated group. You will find many stimulating activities and opportunities to expand your knowledge and skills, and build a permanent portfolio of your learning.

“Though my discipline is not health care but risk management, the writings of David Seedhouse have enlightened my thinking and influenced my worldview in invaluable ways. A practical approach underpinned by a coherent philosophy is what we need, and David delivers yet again in this latest work.”

- Professor David Ball, Middlesex University, UK


My Thoughtful Group
Sage Communications Nursing and Healthcare

Get the most out of the Thoughful Values Exchange

Reflective Practice

The Thoughful Values Exchange challenges you to respond to polls, surveys and thinking exercises taken from examples and situations in the printed book. As soon as you submit your views you receive comprehensive reports and are able to see what everyone else thinks, and why. You are also able to comment directly on what they have said and to invite others to be your ‘friend’ in the community. The exercises are thought-provoking and enjoyable and will boost your communication, critical thinking and reflective practice skills.

Revalidation Portfolio

The Thoughful Values Exchange offers a unique – and free – way to create a portfolio of reflective practice and ethical reasoning that you can use as evidence for revalidation. Whenever you respond to an issue your thoughts and analysis are automatically stored in your e-portfolio. You can share these with anyone you wish. Unlike other revalidation portfolios, we guarantee continued access to your e-portfolio. You are also able to blog and keep a journal on the Values Exchange, and share this with anyone you choose.


The Thoughful Values Exchange is a growing, dynamic community of people interested in the printed book. Both staff and students can join and interact creatively. There are several ways of sharing information and working and learning together, including: digital boards for sharing files and video material, private messaging, live chat and a webinar facility. We store all data on a secure and confidential server and do not advertise external products or use any of your private information.


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